News and Events

  • For information on ladies’ events and activities, click here.
  • For youth information, click here.


Congregational Meal and Birthday Celebration (1st Sunday) – Everyone is invited to attend the quarterly congregational meal.  The meals will be quarterly (February, May, August, and November) on the 1st Sunday of the month.  Plan to attend with your family, bring your favorite dish or beverage, and celebrate the birthdays in the congregation. If you and your family or friends would like to host a meal, please sign up on the bulletin boardJoin us for our next meal on November 3 after the morning services!  



Thank you to those who attended the congregational potluck following morning worship on June 2 celebrating the graduation of S. Gaines and D. Swails from high school. Thank you to Laura Bennett and Denise Swails for coordinating.  Best wishes to these two young people as they begin their future!



Thank you – Thank you to the Ashes for hosting a picnic at their home on Saturday, June 29. We had an abundance of good food, fellowship, and fun!



The Friday Night Sings for the northeast Ohio area churches of Christ have begun for 2024.  See the information on the bulletin board in the foyer for dates, times, and details.   



Brother’s Keeper – Thank you to all who attend and make the Brother’s Keeper breakfasts a success.  Thanks to Paul Couch for organizing the breakfasts and activities.  The next Brother’s Keeper breakfast will be on Saturday, October 12.  The breakfast meetings will meet quarterly on the second Saturday (October, January, April, and July).  The men and boys of the congregation are invited to join together to discuss individual needs, congregational matters, and have a devotional.  See Paul Couch for details.  Plan to join us at 9:00 a.m.!


The congregation will be doing an ongoing collection for TEAC (The Emergency Assistance Center).  Check the bulletin for updates on the current needs for the center. Thanks to L.  Brock for coordinating the donations. See L. Brock with any donations or questions. 


Thank you to those in the congregation who attended the Wadsworth Community Band concert on March 17 and supported Deb Collier Thanks to C. Williams for organizing the trip!



We had a great time on Sunday, February 25 at lunch and bowling at Clutch Bowling Lanes.  Thanks to all those who helped with the meal, stayed for the meal, or went bowling.  Thanks to Laura and Brad Bennett for organizing the event.



Thank you to the Bennetts for hosting an open house in December at the church house.


Thanks to C. Smith who organized the ladies’ event/devotional on Saturday, December 9 at the West Side Church of Christ.  Thank you to those who attended and made donations.


Thank you!  – Thank you to everyone who made the fall festival and trick or trunk after church services a big success (despite a few raindrops). We had beautifully decorated cars, plenty of candy, delicious food, and great costumes! 



November 5 – Thank you to the Bennetts for hosting the fellowship meal on November 5. Thank you to those who donated items for the ”thankful for you boxes” that were sent to shut-ins and those who needed encouragement. The youth did a great job preparing and decorating the boxes.  



Work Day – Thank you to those who attended the work day on Saturday, October 7!  Much was accomplished.  Thanks to Paul Couch for organizing the tasks for the day.


Building Work Days – Thank you to everyone who has helped with the work days at the building!  The progress has been amazing.  


John 13:34-35 NIV  “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”



Header photo and some other photos supplied by Freely.  Thank you!